by imaginesarah
by imaginesarah
by imaginesarah
The assignment was to create a 3D magazine cover based on the title from an article. The title I chose was about artificial intelligence and how they are becoming more involved with our everyday lives. My idea was to create a magazine cover about robots being a part of a community with humans.
I wanted to display a robots family on the front cover because I wanted to have a family setting, but with a future twist. My goal was to create a robots family that had a 1950s look, but there were some changes needed to be made to the final design because of the timing.
I created my 3D elements in Cinema 4D and learned how to create an object in a 3D software. I learned that it is important to look object from multiple sides. Also, I learned how to light 3D object properly and not create hard shadows. The major key to this assignment was time management.
I used Photoshop to create the design cover and looked at Wired magazine covers to create the layout. I wanted the design to have an American theme so I used red, blue, and white for the color scheme. I wanted the cover the simple and clean, but still contact eye of the viewer.
Are you looking for someone to help with you next magazine cover? Please me email and together we create a awesome magazine cover.