Art Magazine
by imaginesarah
Watercolor Title Sequence
by imaginesarah
The main idea of this project was to create a title sequence for my how-to video. My topic for how to video was a watercolor tutorial. My idea was to create title sequence based on a watercolor theme and parallax style.
Abstract Art Tool for The Blind or Visually Impaired
by imaginesarah
Art is a way for people to show an emotion or a different way of looking at things. It’s difficult for people who are blind to create art because they can’t see a picture of what they’re trying to draw or paint and it’s difficult for them to use a paint brush without getting messy. Art teachers and others who want to be more inclusive of the visually impaired community need to come up with an adaptive way for a blind person to paint. I designed and created a unique tool so a blind person can make an abstract art painting without having to use a paint brush.
My goal is to modify the “movement painting” tool and structure I built last year for a class project, so that blind or visually impaired people can use it to create abstract art.
Art is a creative and emotional way for someone to express how to uniquely see something through their own eyes. Most people think that art is something that you have to see, like a painting rather than an emotional and imaginative idea to express oneself. Abstract Art shows more of a person’s feelings to be creative instead of something that represents reality in today’s world. Abstract Expressionism was popular in the mid 20th century to give an artist freedom to focus on the action of painting and the ability to feel their painting through non‐traditional methods. Abstract Expressionism is a great way for people who are blind to paint because it doesn’t always have to look exactly like a picture of something or someone, so it’s less stressful to do. Jackson Pollack was an abstract expressionist artist who created a drip painting style with liquid paint in the 1950s by listening to music. He believed we shouldn’t be producing art from images we see, but create something from our own imagination with some sort of action and in a unique way.
“It doesn’t matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said.” -‐ Jackson Pollock
Overall Design Requirements
- There should be a container to keep all parts, paint, and paper inside it while using, so the paint doesn’t splatter outside the paper and make a mess.
- The painting tool must be safe to use.
- The tool needs to be part of a simple‐to-use structure that is to an easy setup and put away.
- All parts should be reusable except for the paint and paper.
- It has to be easily transportable so that someone can take it with them.
- The bottle or painting container needs to be suitable to hold paint.
- Everything should be easy to clean up.
- It should be cost effective to build and not too expensive to buy.
- If someone is blind, it is important to create instructions in Braille.
- The pieces of the structure and tool must be labeled in Braille.
- While using this, the person who is blind should be able to listen to music to help inspire their creative images.
Redesign Materials:
- Use a similar sized plastic container: 27.74 in X 16.61 in x 6 in
- PVC pipe: ½ in. x 5 ft., two elbow connectors, and two end pieces
- Eye hook and screw: #10 x 1 3/8 in.
- Swivel Belt Snap
- Chain: 2 ft.
- Valspar acrylic paint, Blue, and Yellow
- Acrylic Art
The total cost of building the Paint Drip Tool. It only cost $20 to rebuild it.
This is my next design, built with 3 PVC pipes securely held in place, and a chain and screw eye to hold the paint container to the chain while it slides back and forth. The container also has a cover to keep the pieces inside when not being used.
Test Analysis
I put together the structure while blindfolded like someone who cannot see, using written instructions I created about how to build and use it. Ms. Brown, my video teacher, did a videotape of my building and using my Art Drip Tool. I had no problems putting it together quickly. It met all the criteria for the structure design requirements. This is the results of my first painting using my Paint Drip Tool. I made my painting while blindfolded, to do it like someone who cannot see. The only problem was that I had to squeeze the bottle to have the paint come out. This maybe happened because the paint was too thick.
By creating this unique structure and art tool, I was able to prove people wrong who think that painting is only for someone who is sighted. As part of my research, I learned about organizations that support blind artists and that encourage them to create art even though they don’t have sight. I learned about Jackson Pollack’s abstract art paintings and philosophy about people being more creative by expressing themselves through painting while listening to music.
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Gallery Night Providence
by imaginesarah

Gallery Night Providence
Date: August 16, 2018
Location: Providence, RI
I attended Gallery Night in Providence because I wanted to have the opportunity and network with new people. My goal was to explore different parts in Providence and learn about how they are involved with the community of art and design. I chose this event because I enjoy learning about different types of art and design.
During Gallery Night, we visited three different locations and learned about what types of services they offer. We visited Sprout Coworking, Gathered Glass Blowing Studio, and RISD Museum. I learned that Sprout Coworking offers offices space and rooms for events. Also, Sprout Coworking is a big supporter of the arts and features many different types of artists. Gathered Glass Blowing Studio is a local studio in Providence and offers classes for glass blowing. RISD Museum is run by the Rhode Island School of Design and displays different types of work from students.
During my visit, I had the opportunity to meet Robin Tagliaferri who is the interim coordinator of Gallery Night. Also, I met with celebrity tour guide and ask her about the groups she is involved within New England.
Continue Dialog
I recently received the email from Robin Tagliaferri and she explained that Gallery Night was looking for people to be tour guides for their Gallery Night on September 2Oth. Also, she asks me if any way she could reach out to more students from New England Tech.